Kabir Dohas



Sayeen Itna Deejiye

Sayeen Itna Deejiye, Ja Mein Kutumb Samaye
Main Bhi Bhookha Na Rahun, Sadhu Na Bhookha Jaye

Give so much O God, suffice to envelop my clan
I should not suffer cravings, nor the visitor goes unfed

Very simple in the native Hindi, but very difficult to translate. It is also true, that because of its simplicity, the reader can miss the point that Kabir wants to make.

This Doha deals with the concept of contentment, compassion and a very clear attitude of service. It is not greed when Kabir asks God for abundance. We have to remember that Kabir was a professional weaver, a house-holder with children. Thus, being the primary provider, he reveals in this Doha his commitment to his clan. At the same time, Kabir is content. He is not greedy. He prays to God to give him enough that would be suffice to take care of his needs.

The next lines add another dimension. It reveals the compassion Kabir has for others. In India it is a tradition that if a sadhu visits, the household will make sure that they feed him. Sadhu literally means a monk, a sanyasin, who has renounced the world.