Ganesh Chaturathi
Ganesh Chaturathi
Bring Him Home
Grand Celebration
Preparing For
Introduction of Lord Ganesha And Ganesh Chaturthi :

Lord Ganesha

Worship of Lord Ganesh's idols with left side trunk and right side trunk

First look at each of the two figures below for one to two minutes, note what you experience and then read further.

Devotees had the following spiritual experiences.

The right-sided trunk: The idol with a right-sided trunk is called dakshinmurti (the south-directed idol) or dakshinabhimukhi murti (the idol facing the south). Dakshin means the southern direction or the right side. The southern direction leads to the region of Yama (Yamalok), the deity of death, while the right side belongs to the Surya nadi (Sun channel). The one who is able to face the direction of Yama's region is strong. Similarly, the one with an activated Surya nadi is radiant, too. Thus, in both senses, the Ganapati with the right-sided trunk is said to be 'active (jagrut)'. The ritualistic worship of this idol is performed observing all the norms of ritualistic worship meticulously. Consequently the sattvik (sattva predominant) temperament is augmented, and one is not distressed by the raja frequencies coming from the south.

The dakshinabhimukhi idol is not worshipped ritualistically in the usual manner because tiryak frequencies with the raja component are emitted from the south. One feels repulsed towards the south because it is in that direction where, after death, scrutiny of sins and merits is done in Yama's region (Yamalok). Scrutiny akin to that done in the south after death is experienced in life when facing the south or sleeping with legs directed towards the south. Hence, the worship of this idol, too, is repulsive.

The left sided trunk: The idol with the trunk towards the left is called Vamamukhi. Vam means the northern direction or the left side. The Chandra nadi (Moon channel) is situated on the left. It bestows tranquility. Besides since the northern direction is spiritually favorable; it bestows Bliss ; hence the Vamamukhi Ganapati is more commonly worshipped.

Significance of Different Colors Of Lord Ganesha

When a certain person is trying to harm you, a man who is an adept in the science of mantra can stop him from doing any harm by meditations on the turmeric-colored form of Ganesha with the mantra OM HARIDRAA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA (108 times), sending that energy on that person to stop him from doing any harm. When you want to attract people towards you or your work with good motive and for a noble purpose - without trying to take advantage of the person - then you could meditate on the dawn or crimson-colored Ganapati, saying OM VIJAYA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA and send that radiant energy towards that person. This power should not be misused. If it is misused, great harm will come to the user. Dark-colored Ganesha is meditated upon whenever you want to destroy negativity, hatred, demoniac ego, inner or outer enemies. The mantra is OM UCCHHISTA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA. To cast away the devils or evil spirits from a haunted home or from the body or mind of a person, you meditate on the brown color of Ganesha. The mantra is OM SHAKTI GANAPATAYAE NAMAHAd.
