Isavasya OR Isa Upanisad
Chapter One
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
Chandogya Upanisad
Taittiriya Upanisad
Aitareya Upanisad
Kausitaki Upanisad
Kena Upanisad
Katha Upanisad
Svetasvatara Upanisad
The Mundaka Upanisad
Prasna Upanisad
Mandukya Upanisad
Maitri Upanisad
Isavasya OR Isa Upanisad

Chapter One

OM. That is full; this is full;
Fullness comes forth from fullness:
When fullness is taken from fullness,
Fullness remains.
OM. Peace, peace, peace

1. All this, everything that moves in this moving world Must be pervaded by the lord.Enjoy what has been abandoned.Do not covet anyone’s wealth.

2. You must seek to live a hundred yearsJust doing work (karman) here.There is no other way for you but this.This way, work does not stick to a man.

3. Those worlds, covered with blind darkness, Are ‘sunless’ by name.Those people who are self-slayersGo to them on departing.

4. One, unmoving, swifter than mind, The gods cannot catch it, as it goes before;Standing still, it outruns others that are running.Matarisvan sets the waters in it.

5. It moves, it does not move;It is far and near likewise.It is inside all this:It is outside all this.

6. Whoever seesAll beings in the self (atman)And the self in all beingsDoes not shrink away from it.

7. For the one who knows,
In whom all beings have become self,
How can there be delusion or grief
When he sees oneness?

8. He has encompassed the bright, the bodiless, the unwounded,
The sinless, the pure, then unpierced by evil:
The wise seer, conqueror, self-born,
He has arranged objects according to their nature
Through eternal years.

9. They who worship ignorance
Enter blind darkness:
They who delight in knowledge
Enter darkness, as it were, yet deeper.

10. It is different, they say, from knowledge;
It is different, they say, from ignorance;
So we have heard from those wise ones
Who have revealed it to us.

11. Whoever knows knowledge and ignorance-
Both of them, together-
By ignorance crosses over death
And by knowledge reaches immortality.

12. They who worship non-becoming
Enter blind darkness:
They who delight in becoming
Enter darkness, as it were, yet deeper.

13. It is different, they say, from becoming;
It is different, they say, from non-becoming:
So we have heard from those wise ones
Who have revealed it to us.

14. Whoever knows becoming and destruction-
Both of them, together-
By destruction crosses cover death
And by becoming reaches immortality.

15. The face of truth is concealed
By a vessel made of gold.
Reveal it, Pusan, to my sight
Which has truth as its dharma.

16. Pusan, Ekarsi, Yama, Surya, son of Prajapati,
Draw apart your rays and draw them together.
I see the light that is your most beautiful form.
That very person-I am he.

17. My breath (vayu) to immortal air:
This body has ended in ashes.
OM! Will, remember! Remember the deed!
Will, remember! Remember the deed!

18. Agni, god who knows all ways,
Lead us by a good road to prosperity.
Overcome our crooked faults,
And we will render you the utmost reverence.

OM. That is full; this is full;
Fullness comes forth from fullness:
When fullness is taken from fullness,
Fullness remains.

OM. Peace, peace, peace.