Isavasya OR Isa Upanisad
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
Chandogya Upanisad
Taittiriya Upanisad
Aitareya Upanisad
Kausitaki Upanisad
Kena Upanisad
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Katha Upanisad
Svetasvatara Upanisad
The Mundaka Upanisad
Prasna Upanisad
Mandukya Upanisad
Maitri Upanisad
Kena Upanisad

Chapter One

OM. May my limbs, speech, breath, eye, ear, strength and all senses grow strong. Everything is the Brahman of the Upanisads. May I not reject Brahman. May Brahman not reject me. May there be no rejecting. May there be no rejecting of me. May all the dharmas which are in the Upanisads be in me, who delight in the self. May they be in me.

Om. Peace, peace, peace.

1. OM. Urged on by whom does the mind fly?
Harnessed by whom does breath move, the first?
By whom is urged on the speech that folk utter/
And which god harnesses the eye and ear?

2. knowing that it is the ear of the ear, the min of the mind,
The speech of speech, the breath of the breath,
The eye of the eye, the wise renounce,
And when they leave this world, become immortal.

3. The eye does not go there,
Speech does not go, nor mind.
We do not know, we do not understand
How anyone could teach it.

4. It is different from the known;
It is different, too, from the unknown:
Who have revealed it to us.

5. What is not expressed by speech
By which speech is expressed
Know that as Brahman,
Not what they worship as such.

6. What one does not think of by the mind
By which, they say, the mind is thought of
Know that as brahman,
Not what they worship as such.

7. What one does not see by the eye
By which one sees eyes
Know that as brahman,
Not what they worship as such

8. What one does not hear by the ear
By which the ear is heard
Know that as barman,
Not what they worship as such.

9. What one does not breathe by the breath
By which the breath is breathed
Know that as brahman,
Not what they worship as such.