Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

To Kustha Plant Against Fever

The asvattha tree, the seat of gods, is in the third heaven from here. There the gods procured the kustha plant, the visible manifestation of immortality.

A golden ship with golden tackle moved about in the heavens. There the gods procured the kustha, the flower of immortality.

The roads were golden, and golden were the oars, golden were the ships, on which they brought out the kustha.

The man here, O kustha, restore and relieve him; also render him free from disease for me!

From the gods art thou born, thou art Soma's good companion. Be thou gracious to my in-breathing and my out-breathing, and to this my sight!

Born in the north on the Himavant mountain, thou art brought to the people in the east. There they shared the highest variety of kustha.

Thou art superior by name, superior by name is thy father. Both of ye drive out all disease and do thou make the fever powerless!

Headache, affliction in the eye, and bodily ailments, all that may kustha relieve, verily, a powerful divine remedy!

The Healing Plant Laksha

The Night is thy mother, the Cloud thy father, Aryaman thy grandfather. Laksha verily is thy name, thou art sister of the gods!

He who drinks thee lives, thou preservest a man, for thou art a sustainer, of all me, and refuge of people.

Tree after tree dost thou up like a wench lusting after a man. Conquering, steadfast, saving, verily is thy name.

If a wound is made with a staff, with an arrow or by a flame, of that thou art the remedy, do thou cure this man here!

Thou grows on excellent plaksha tree, on asvattha, the khadira and the dhava, upon the noble banyan (nygarodha), and the prana. Come thou to us, O arundhati!

Thou gold-coloured, lovely, fiery, of wonderful form, mayest thou go to the hurt. O cure, "Cure" verily is thy name.

Thou gold-coloured, lovely, fiery plant, with hairy stem, sister of the waters, O laksha, the wind is thy breath!

Silaki, by name, thy father, thou goat-brown one, is a maid's son, with the blood of dark-brown horse thou hast been sprinkled.

Fallen from the horse's mouth, she ran up the trees, and turned into a winged brook. Do thou come to us, O arundhati!

Against Demon of Avrice to Arati

Bring riches to us, stand not in our way, O Arati, do not prevent our sacrificial gift as born away. Homage be to the power of confounding, the power of failure, homage to Arati!

To thy minister, who thou put forward as thy agent, O Arati, to him we pay our homage. Do thou not impede my winning!

May our desire, inspired by gods, be fulfilled by day and by night. We follow Arati, homage be to Arati!

We go to invoke Sarasvati, Anumati and Bhaga. Pleasant, honeyed words have I used while invoking the gods.

Him whom I call upon with speech (vak) Sarasvati, the yoke-fellow of mind, shall find faith today, given by the brown Soma.

Do not thou frustrate our desire or speech. Let both Indra and Agni bring us good things. Do ye all, desirous to give us gifts today, be in grace of Arati!

Go thou far off, O failure, we avert thy missile, I know thee, O Arati, to be oppressive and piercing!

Thou can even make thyself naked and cling thyself to people in their sleep, frustrating their plans and intentions.

Thou being great, and of great height, pervaded all the realms, to this golden-haired Nirriti (Death), to thee I had made homage.

To the gold-complexioned, fortunate one, reclining on golden cushions, to her, the great, golden-dressed, Arati, have I paid homage.
