Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

For Securing Love of a Man

I dig out this remedy (herb), drawing towards me the eye and causing lover's tears. It returns one that has gone away, and gladdens him that comes to me.

By this herb did Indra allure away Asuni from the other gods, therewith do I subject thee, so that I may be very dear to thee!

Thou art like Soma (the moon), thy face is turned towards the Sun. it is also turned towards all the gods, as such we invoke thee here!

In this matter my speech carries weight, not yours. In the assembly, verily, do thou speak! May you be mine alone and not even mention another woman.

Whether you are beyond the haunts of men, or whether beyond the stream, may this herb, as if a captive bound, shall bring you back to me!

To the Divine Falcon

Across the waters, across the waters, the solar-Falcon, the men-beholder, has penetrated the unerring path to his desired resting place. Through all the lower realms may he wing his way here, the auspicious one, accompanied by Indra!

May this divine Falcon, observing men, the thousand footed one, having a progeny a hundred fold, vigour-giving, grant us an abundant source for oblation, as he did to our Father in days of yore!

To Soma and Rudra

O Soma, O Rudra, chase asunder the disease that has entered our dwelling. Drive Nirrti away, and set aside from us any committed sin.

O Soma, O Rudra, give us for our bodies all needed remedies to heal and cure. Loosen from us any committed sin that is still inherent in our bodies.

Charm Against Jealousy

From folk belonging to all peoples, away from the Sindhu river thou hast been brought here. From a distance, I think, has been brought the remedy of jealousy.

As if a fire is burning him, as if a conflagration burning forest in all directions, this jealousy of this man do thou quench, as fire is appeased with water.

For Success at Dice

As the lightning strike the forest trees irresistibly, so would I today irresistibly beat the gamesters with my dice.

Whether they be quick or slow, the fortune of these people irresistibly shall come together from all sides in my winning hands.

I invoke with reverence Agni, who is lord of riches, here attached he shall heap up again for us. I win wealth for myself as if with booty-winning chariots. May I sing skillfully the song of praise to the Maruts.

May we, with thee as ally, conquer the enemy troops; do thou help us to gain our portion in every conquest. Make for us, O Indra, wide space and easy going path, O Maghavan, do thou crush the manly power of our foes!

I have won thee out, I have also won the reverse, as a wolf shakes a sheep, so do I pluck thy winnings!

For Concord

May we be in harmony with our own men, in harmony with strangers. Do ye O Ashvins, establish harmony among us!

May we be harmonious in our own mind thought, may we not fight with one another, which is displeasing to the gods. May not there arise the din of frequent battle-destruction; may the arrow of Indra not fall, when the day has come!

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