Svetasvatara Upanisad
Chapter Three
12. The person is the great lord, He who makes being (sattva) roll onward, Ruling over this most pure attainment, Unfailing light.
13. The person within the self, a thumb in length, Always living in the heart of people, Is shaped by the heart, the intelligence, the mind: Those who know this become immortal.
14. The person with a thousand heads; A thousand eyes, a thousand feet, Has enfolded the earth on every side And stood out beyond it by ten thumbs length.
15. The person is all this, What has been and what is to be: And lord of immortality, too- Whatever grows up on food.
16. With hands and feet on every side, With eyes, heads and faces on every side, With ears on every side, it stands Enfolding everything in the world.
17. Seeming to have the strands of all the senses But apart from all the senses, Ruler and lord of all, Great refuge of all!
18. Embodied in the nine-gated city, The goose flits outside, Controller of the whole world, Stationary and moving.
19. A swift seizer without hand or foot, He sees without eyes, he hears without ears: He knows what is to be know, and there is none who knows him. They call him the primaeval great person.
20. Subtler than the subtle, greater than the great, The self is hidden in the secret place of the beings. One sees him as without will, through the creator’s favour, Sees the greatness, the lord, one’s sorrow at an end.
21. I know the unageing ancient one, Self of all, omnipresent through pervading all: Folk say that cessation of birth belongs to him Whom scholars of Brahman call the eternal.
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