Svetasvatara Upanisad
Chapter Three
1. There is one who bears a net, who rules with his powers. Who rules all worlds with his powers, Who is one in arising and ceasing. Those who know this become immortal.
2. Rudra is the one they do not give place to a second- Who rules the worlds with his powers. He stands in front of people. Protector of all worlds, At the ending-time he has drawn them in again.
3. Eyes on every side and faces on every side, Arms on every side and feet on every side, With his arms and his wings he forges them, One god begetting sky and earth.
4. May Rudra, overlord of all, great Rsi, The source and origin of the gods, Who of old begot the golden embryo, Yoke us with clear intelligence.
5. Mountain-dweller Rudra, With that gracious (siva) form of yours, Not terrifying nor evil-appearing, but most healing, Gaze on us always.
6. Mountain-dweller, make gracious (siva) The arrow that you hold in your hand to shoot: Mountain-protector, do not injure Man or moving thing.
7. Higher than that is the supreme Brahman. Knowing that powerful one, the great, Hidden in all beings according to their bodies, One enveloping all, folk become immortal.
8. I know this great person, Sun-coloured, beyond darkness. Knowing him, one goes beyond death: There is no other path by which to go.
9. All this is filled by the person, The one, who stands in the sky, firm as a tree. There is nothing higher or lower than he, No one smaller or larger.
10. That which is far higher than that Is formless, without disease: Those who know it become immortal. The rest go on to suffering.
11. Possessing all faces, heads and necks, Living in the secret depth of al beings, The blessed one is all-pervading: Therefore he is the omnipresent gracious one (siva).