Padma Purana
Vishnu Purana
Varaha Purana
Kurma Purana
Agni Purana
Vamana Purana
Brahma Purana

Vedasharma promptly did what had been asked of him. Shivasharma concluded that his second son Vedasharma was also truly devoted to him.

Shivasharma gave Vedasharma’s severed head to the third son, Dharmasharma. Dharmasharma started to pray to the god Dharma. His prayers pleased the god and Dharma offered to grant Dharmasharma a boon. Dharmasharma desired the boon that his dead brother might be brought back to life and that he himself might always be devoted to his father. These wishes were granted. Vedasharma and Dharmasharma went to meet their father and bowed down before him. Shivasharma concluded that his third son Dharmasharma was also devoted to him.

Desirous of testing his fourth son Vishnusharma, Shivasharma told him, “You know that I wish to marry this beautiful woman. Unbfortunately, she is not at all keen to marry me. She thinks that I am old and diseased. Go to Indra’s residence in Indraloka (heaven) and get me some amrita (a heavenly life-giving drink). That should take care of my old age and ailments.”

Vishnusharma left for heaven. But Indra was not going to let Vishnusharma take away the amrita so easily. He first sent a beautiful apsara (heavenly dancer) named Menaka to try and entice Vishnusharma. She offered to marry Vishnusharma and make his life exceedingly happy. But Vishnusharma refused to be dislodged from his pursuit. Indra next sent all sorts of ghosts and demons to create impediments in Vishnusharma’s path. But Vishnusharma was unperturbed by these. Indra was so pleased at Vishnusharma’s devotion to his father, that he readily gave vishnusharma some amrita. Vishnusharma brought this home to his father.

Shivasharma concluded that his fourth son Vishnusharma too was devoted to him. He therefore resurrected his wife and told his sons. “I was merely trying to test you and your devotion. Your mother had not died at all. You have demonstrated that your devotion to me is above reproach. Through my powers, I am sending you straight to Vishnu’s abode in Vishnuloka (heaven).”

Because of their devotion to their father, the four sons went straight to heaven. This left the fifth son, Somasharma, on earth.

Shivasharma told his son, “I am taking your mother with me to visit various tirthas (places of pilgrimage). Your brother brought me a pot of amrita. Here it is. Guard it well, I will ask for it when I return.”

After his parents left, Somasharma began to guard the pot of amrita diligently, Shivasharma’s sole purpose was to test Somasharma. He used his powers to transform himself and his wife into lepers. In these hideous forms, they returned and Shivasharma asked his son to nurse them. Somasharma did this faithfully and did not protest at all on the occasions on which his father abused him.

Shivasharma now used his powers to make the pot of amrita empty and told his son. “I had forgotten all about the pot of amrita. Fetch it here. The amrita will cure me and your mother of the leprosy.”

Somasharma was greatly surprised to find that the pot of amrita was emtpy. But his devotion to his father had made him powerful as well. He used these power to replenish the pot and brought the amrita to his father.

Shivasharma was satisfied. He realised that also his fifth son was devoted to him. He now used his power to take himself and his wife to Visyhnuloka.

As for Somasharma, he spent his time in tapasya (meditation). While he as meditating, several danavas (demons) came to disturb his prayers. Somasharma died from fright at the sight of these demons. And because of this, he was born as a demon in his next life. He was born as Prahalada, the son of the demon Hiranyakashipu. But as a result of the punya (store of merit) that Somasharma had accumulated, Prahlada was devoted to Vishnu although born as a demon.

(Prahlada’s story occurs in several Puranas, for example, the Vishnu Purana. The Padma Purana mentions it cursorily.)

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